Mom update 4:32 pm

Hi Everyone,

So looks like my mom is here one more night, her vitals are still the same (a good thing), but with it being a holiday, the ultrasounds she needs before she’s discharged won’t happen until tomorrow, since they are short staffed. Looks like I get one more night in this not so yummy lazy boy…

Here’s a pic of the initial gang yesterday with Mom

Mom’s pastor, his wife, and daugther with friends came by to visit. They brought her a nice clock in her favorite color blue, then sang and prayed with her. Very thoughtful, especially since they came out all the way from American Canyon.

My cousin Don, Lisa, Nate and Jake also visiited, it’s always great to see them! Nataile is looking great and I’m so happy her Lukemia treatments were successful.

Again, thanks to everyone for the support!

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