An interesting month…

Well, this past month was a little crazy. Pretty much I went to China, then a little after I got back from China I got the complete blind-sided, pull you into a conference room talk of I was being let go from my current company Centrify. I don’t know all the details, but I hope them the best, since I have a lot of close friends I made there still!

Based on me getting laid-off, of course I started job hunting and I’ve already landed at a great company working with my close friend Steve Schalkhauser. The company is FilmLoop and it’s a really cool company to work for, reminds me of my Simple Star days without the commute.

I’m excited about being back in the consumer software space, and for those of you who aren’t aware, my previous company did software for networking big companies so not much fun there, other than learning a bunch.

So here’s some pictures of the new gig, we’re in Palo Alto and I commute with Melanie everyday, kind of convenient…

Where I sit

Other side of the office

So hopefully next month isn’t as exciting and I’m more stable. Don’t foget to click on the FilmLoops I’ve made below.

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[kml_flashembed movie=”” quality=”high” scale=”noscale” fvars=” ; weblinkid=SHLWJrWROlCWYhTrZTr35P5-aZsYeOzX ; incr=1″ bgcolor=”#333333″ width=”298″ height=”55″ /]