Hi Everyone,
Wow, Melanie and I are exhausted, but loving every minute with our new boy Aiden. This is the first time in 3 days that I’ve actually had time to update our blog and of course it’s at 12:45 am!
Aiden was discharged from the NICU late Wednesday evening, we thought it would be yesterday, so we were THRILLED, to say the least, that he got to go home a day earlier. As of Wed. morning Aiden’s Jaundice count was at 10.2 and by the evening it was 8.7. We thought he wasn’t going home, since our nurse said after the “blue lights” were removed you tend to see a spike in numbers again, but this wasn’t the case with Aiden and the NICU doc said he was ready to go home.
Since his discharge, Melanie and I have a feeding schedule every 3 hours for him, which tend to last an hour or longer. We are so tired, but SO HAPPY! Aiden is a bundle of joy and Melanie and I are so happy that he’s part of our family. I call Aiden “My little man”, he has some of the best expressions and is such a cute kid, again… YES, we’re biased 
Today he had his first doctors appt, post NICU release. His weight went from 6.5 lbs to 6.11 lbs, so I guess all those feedings are working. Doctor said he was looking good, but we’re scheduled for another appt. next Thursday, hopefully the progress keep moving upwards. Aiden also got to make his first trip to Babies R Us on his way home, I’m sure we’ll have a few more of those in the future.
Below is a pic of the new family. Tobi (the grey schnauzer) is still trying to figure him out, but Parker (the black schnauzer) is well adjusted, since we’re his second family and the previous family had 3 kids for him to grow up with. Click on the picture below to see our latest pictures.